Mooladhara Chakra


The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals (sub-plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity. When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the Kundalini at the time of its awakening"

                                                          -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


It is governed by Shri Ganesha , the deity of innocence and wisdom. 


The fundamental quality of this Chakra is innocence and the innate wisdom, which comes from having childlike innocence. The innocence is the type of quality which is evident in babies and small children. It represents action without motive or desire for gross personal gain. This innocence is accompanied by the innate wisdom of a child. A baby knows fundamental aspects of nature instinctively — it knows how to show discomfort by crying, or how to suck to obtain food. This root wisdom, if left untempered, would develop into a balanced set of priorities in the adult. Unfortunately the influence of parents and society tends to muddy this innocence and so obscure the wisdom that goes with it.

Simplicity, joy, purity, integrity and balance are other qualities manifest in human beings through this Chakra. Because this center governs the reproduction organs and systems, sexual attitudes and behavior critically impact the strength or weakness of this center. Sexual excessiveness, both physical and mental, creates imbalances throughout the body’s systems. "So we have to put our carnal desires, dissolve them into the innocence, the Ocean of Innocence, we have to dissolve it in the Ocean of Innocence. Innocence is something to be appreciated, to be understood, to be enjoyed. Like you see animals are innocent, the children they are innocent, flowers they are innocent — divert your attention to all these things."

Once Kundalini is awakened reverence for and desire to serve the Spirit within gradually becomes heightened. By awakening the qualities of the Mooladhara through meditation, we learn again to be more innocent beings, to be less motive-led in our actions, and to rediscover the wisdom which is strong enough to help us make the correct decisions in our lives.

Gross Physical Aspects

The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs, and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini through sexual practice such as tantra. This is obviously very dangerous and can cause the greatest harm to the Chakra itself. If one remembers that the Mooladhara centre provides a gateway through which the Kundalini must pass, then it is easy to understand how anything which is not innocent can harm it. Sex has its place in human life as the most sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. Through this channel birth and creation continue their course. However, it is another thing to allow sex to dominate out lives and bring us out of balance. After Self-Realization one learns to develop respect and proper esteem for one’s own chastity and of others. This sense of right conduct is essential for the development of our own gravity and power. It is the foundation stone of each of us as human beings, the power of incorruptible innocence

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